Bert Gold wrote:
> <<<<SNIP>>>
> And yet, this week, fully 18 years after the memorable talk by
> Szent-Gyorgyi which I just described, the Vitamin C RDA for men
> has been adjusted three-fold upward.
>> It makes me wonder at the brazen inefficiency of the research
> 'establishment'...
>> The knowledge that both Linus and Albe died
> without ever attaining a modicum of funding for their final
> nutrition project confirms some of my worst fears about
> our ways of deciding what research is worthy in this
> country.
>> My hope in writing this is that our children will not suffer
> because of the lack of wisdom of their leaders in
> making decision about what to and what not to study.
>> Bert Gold
> San Francisco
>> References
Just look at research on "Cold Fusion", "Global Warming", and "The Ozone
Hole" for further examples of the poor quality of some recent so-called
scientific research.
Chaos theory eliminated any hope of long term weather prediction, and
yet we still have "researchers" at major universities doing computer
simulation of weather.
Modern science has gone "politically correct"; look at the reaction to
that book entitled "The Bell Curve". It was widely renounced by many
so-called scientists who never took the time to read it!!!
Oh well...
John E. Kuslich
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