Gerald Pollack gpollack at bio1.lan.mcgill.ca
Sun May 5 20:54:06 EST 1996

POSTDOCTORAL POSITION: to study dendritic integration in identified 
interneurons. The project will use intracellular recording and
staining, confocal and electronmicroscopy, and modeling to study 
sensory-to-interneuron circuitry in the cricket auditory system. 
Applicants should have experience with one or more of the above 
techniques. The position is available as of  August 1, and is funded 
for three years. Interested individuals should contact:

G. Pollack (gpollack at bio1.lan.mcgill.ca)
Dept. of Biology
McGill University
1205 avenue Dr. Penfield
Montreal, QC, H3A 1B1
Fax: (514) 398-5069

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