brain Atlas

Ron Blue rcb1 at LEX.LCCC.EDU
Mon May 6 08:34:43 EST 1996

On 4 May 1996, ENTICY1 wrote:
> 1)Both petit mal and grand mal episodes of epileptic seizures are caused
> by the same thing.......
> A) The brain sends two forms of signals to all muscle groups.
>        REST.... which is the normal condition of the body.
>        DON'T REST... which is perceived as exertion....
> B) Epileptic seizures are caused when:
>       1)The REST signal is placed off balance.........
>           A) Petit mal occurs when the balance is not completely thrown.
>               There still remains some REST signal being sent. 
>           B) Grand mal occurs when the REST signal is cut off.
>       2) The cause of the REST signal being cut off or reduced is
>           A) Wave collapse...... which occurs when a chemical imbalance
>               within the synapse to neuron transmission corrupts the
> signal
>               value of the wave... this occurs in the limbic.
>           B) Conversion imbalance in the limbic which occurs when the
>               subconscious signals to muscle motivation are corrupted by
>               an out of balance assembly of conscious computational values
>               in the transmission to long term memory........
>       3) The equation for proper muscle motivation is
We are all aware that the loss of inhibitory balance should lead to
a seizure.  The above is close to this concept.  Ron Blue

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