I picked it up in neuroscience discussion group. A battle is currently
going on. Only recently did I realize the possible usefulness of the
idea. This effect is very common in electronic circuits. Since I
am using wavelets and opponent-process to explain behavior, it is a logical
match up with my model. I did not mean to suggest a lasting change
of behavior would occur. Only that it maybe a useful procedure to
help. By creating a constant eeg baseline with known effects this
could give everyone eeg training cheaply. Ron Blue
On Fri, 3 May 1996, Michael A. Tansey, Ph.D. wrote:
> You wrote:
> > If you present a 200 hertz tone to one ear and a 208 hertz tone
> > to the other ear you will establish a baseline of 8 hertz reading
> > in eeg. This could be very useful for autism, migraines, etc.
> > Ron Blue
> >
> > Hi Ron:
>> Your commen on usage of a 200Hertz tone as a treatment modality is an
> eye-opener. What literature exists documenting bilateral auditory
> stimulation of a specific Hertz tone produces lasting changes in CNS
> function?
> >
> ---
>> Thanks, be well, take care, later, Dr. Michael A. Tansey
>> NEXTSTEP Developer Opinions expressed represent me only
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