enticy1 at aol.com (ENTICY1) wrote:
>showing your ignorance. The next time you fall into a breakthrough and
>are proven that your biased ignorance has served you well you will
>remember this. In fact if you are in the neuroscience discipline you will
>be teaching the '23 pages' within 2 years from now.
I, for one, *am* in the neuroscience discipline, also "don't get it", and
hardly call the information at that site or in your diatribe below as
"breakthrough". The original poster was asking a simple question and
wanted some solid, well-accepted information. The suggestion of
a good neuroscience textbook was appropriate. The suggestion to
read non-peer reviewed information that has not had a chance to be
validated (or even comprehended) by the community is inappropriate as
a response to this query. Whether you are right or not isn't the issue.
>Being in computer science you are unable to see anything happen in the
>world that does not occur in binary............ too bad, since off is DEAD
Hey, there's nothing wrong with computer scientists. At least many of
them understand the importance of validating a model with a real
biological experiment.
Gerry S. Oxford, Ph.D.
Department of Physiology
University of North Carolina
"The opinions expressed above were left over after all of the
good ones had been taken."