
ENTICY1 enticy1 at aol.com
Sun May 5 08:34:51 EST 1996

In article <4mgl84$4ue at dfw-ixnews2.ix.netcom.com>, JEJ at sdinfo.com (John E.
Johnson, Jr.) writes:

>Your naivity approch to journalism is really quite pathetic, 
<snip brutal attack>
>You are obviously an amateur at 
>journalism, and low on the scale at that.

There is no reason to post response to this. All good discussions are
handled in email. I greatly respect Dr. Johnson and our discussion since
this posting has only
strengthened that.  Besides.... I'm not a journalist. 

                  Lee Kent Hempfling 
    1-501-783-5367 ENTICY1 @aol.com
  "My belief is firm in a law of compensation. 
   The true rewards are ever in proportion to 
  the labor and sacrifices made...It has been 
 perfected, it exists, and all that is necessary 
    is to put it in operation." ...Nikola Tesla

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