
Jeffrey N. Browndyke cogito at premier.net
Sun May 5 12:23:43 EST 1996

Unlike those www pages backed by corporate sponsors, there are some
that are free, open to all, and generated by informed and interested

One of those sites is "Neuropsychology Central."  I have constructed
this site to act as a resource for the neuropsychology community.
There is a subpage dedicated to general neuroscience.  Feel free to
send your URLs for submission.  No fee, it's free.

Jeffrey N. Browndyke 
Ph.D. Candidate in Medical/Clinical Psychology			
Louisiana State University	Email: cogito at premier.net	
Department of Psychology	Fax: (504) 388-4125
236 Audubon Hall		URL: http://www.premier.net/~cogito	
Baton Rouge, LA. 70803		CuSeeMe:

Neuropsychology Central  -  http://www.premier.net/~cogito/neuropsy.html
Psycresearch-online Mailgroup  -  psycresearch-online at premier.net 

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