Unlike those www pages backed by corporate sponsors, there are some
that are free, open to all, and generated by informed and interested
One of those sites is "Neuropsychology Central." I have constructed
this site to act as a resource for the neuropsychology community.
There is a subpage dedicated to general neuroscience. Feel free to
send your URLs for submission. No fee, it's free.
Jeffrey N. Browndyke
Ph.D. Candidate in Medical/Clinical Psychology
Louisiana State University Email: cogito at premier.net
Department of Psychology Fax: (504) 388-4125
236 Audubon Hall URL: http://www.premier.net/~cogito
Baton Rouge, LA. 70803 CuSeeMe:
Neuropsychology Central - http://www.premier.net/~cogito/neuropsy.html
Psycresearch-online Mailgroup - psycresearch-online at premier.net