
John E. Johnson, Jr. JEJ at sdinfo.com
Sat May 4 17:20:52 EST 1996

In article <4mfoga$4so at newsbf02.news.aol.com>, enticy1 at aol.com says...
>In article <4mduh2$mfp at dfw-ixnews5.ix.netcom.com>, JEJ at sdinfo.com (John E.
>Johnson, Jr.) writes:
>Under the guise  :Call For Papers
>> A $650 reprint charge, 
>>levied to the authors at the time an article is accepted, covers the cost
>>transfer and storage to thousands of readers who wish to download it.
>Which does not make this a call for papers..........
>Its a sales pitch.  Sharing knowledge should not be contingent on having
>There are 45 papers published at the site below on neuroscience and
>computational processes of neural connections... All are ftp  in ascii
>with graphics offered in .zip file.
>Only one pretty picture (of RICCI... the robot ) [Real Independently
>Controlled Computational Intelligence] and no fee to read them. Any
>material that supports or questions the contents will be added to the site
>free of charge. We're not a business looking to make money on knowledge..
>Only the application of it.
>                  Lee Kent Hempfling 
>    1-501-783-5367 ENTICY1 @aol.com
Your naivity approch to journalism is really quite pathetic, along with the 
web browser that AOL chose to provide its users based on making money in 
conjunction with Microsoft. Subscribers to AOL pay the price of not being able 
to use Netscape which is the defacto standard and always will be. 
Neuroscienc-Net is a peer reviewed journal. The day the first article was 
published, The Discovery Channel was in the authors' lab at Harvard 
interviewing them about that research paper. You are obviously an amateur at 
journalism, and low on the scale at that.


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