Neurobiology doctoral programs

jcoleman at msvax.mssm.edu jcoleman at msvax.mssm.edu
Sat May 4 11:42:10 EST 1996

In article <4me0iq$1vp at news2.h1.usa.pipeline.com>, Mdomenic at shiva.hunter.cuny.edu writes:
>I am getting ready to apply to grad schools in the New York City
>vicinity (or daily commute) and I would appreciate any help in
>assessing which ones are the best universities for neuro programs.
>Thanks much to anyone that can help.
>Marco Domeniconi

Well I am a neuro grad student at Mount Sinai Medical Center...and I'd be happy
to answer any of your question regarding our program...other good neuro places
in NYC I would imagine are Cornell Medical Center, Rockefeller, NYU, Columbia,
Albert Einstein (Bronx).


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