Call for Papers!
Neuroscience-Net is the first mainstream neuroscience journal in the world to
be published only in electronic format on the web
( The web site went live on April 1, 1996, and is
optimized for the Netscape 2.0 web browser. We tested the submission, review,
and programming protocols with the first manuscript (received April 9), and it
was published on April 24 in the Anatomy section. (We kept the journal a secret
until April 1, so that we could check the entire software interface.) All
systems are go! We are now welcoming the submission of manuscripts from the
Neuroscience community. The articles you see there will represent some of the
most exciting neuroscience in existence. Manuscripts are submitted
electronically, peer-reviewed electronically, formatted, galley proofed, and
published electronically. When a manuscript is accepted, it will be published
within two weeks. Once published, the articles are available free to readers
and subscribers anywhere in the world, including the news media, instantly.
This will make Neuroscience-Net, even at the beginning, the most widely
circulated neuroscience journal on the planet (the latest stats indicate that
it is already being read in 15 countries, and counting!) A $650 reprint charge,
levied to the authors at the time an article is accepted, covers the cost of
transfer and storage to thousands of readers who wish to download it. Thus, you
don't have to ever again worry about running out of reprints or spending time
and postage sending them to those who request copies. There is no extra charge
for color figures such as histochemical micrographs, and in fact, you may use
color freely even with bar graphs! Neuroscience-Net will even be able to
publish full motion video, such as Parkinsonian patients before and after a new
drug therapy, or other behavioral studies. You can log on to Neuroscience-Net
now, view the first article, subscribe for free, and sign up as a potential
on-line referee. We would welcome your comments as to the navigation on the
website. You will also receive weekly e-mail messages that list the new
articles published the past week. Our policy of rapid publication will help to
compress the time frame of scientific progress, so subscribe and participate
now by submitting your high impact research to Neuroscience-Net. Please post
this message on your department bulletin board for the convenience of your
colleagues. Neuroscience-Net is listed in numerous web directories and
neuroscience resource sites.
Welcome to the 21st Century, a few years early!
John E. Johnson, Jr., Ph.D.
JEJ at
Phone (415)-366-1644
Fax (415)-367-9630