brain Atlas

ENTICY1 enticy1 at aol.com
Sat May 4 14:37:35 EST 1996

In article <26396 at 831222298>, "Jonathan W. Mills" <jwmills at cs.indiana.edu>

>>>I need this for my study of Epilepsy.
>and <enticy1 at aol.com> replied:
>>ftp site numerous papers.   see  'limbic' paper and others such as
>>consious.txt  compare.txt  concepts.txt   3mental.txt and others
>I've read some of these papers, and suggest that you find instead
>a basic textbook, like the Principles of Neural Science (3rd Ed.) by
>Kandel, Schwartz and Jessell, published by Elsevier. A large part of
>chapter 50 is devoted to the mechanisms of epilepsy, and other
>chapters will let you trace the connection to the motor neurons
>innervating the musculature. Don't waste your time on Hempfling's
>stuff.  Consider, for example, that since he has developed the
>formula for the human brain (in 23 pages!) he should be able to
>predict exactly where and how epileptic behavior arises, right?
>I don't think so...

Interesting how as you are unable to comprehend what has been presented
under 'Hempfling's stuff' and admit you don't 'get it' you ridicule
it..... By stating
>he should be able to predict exactly where and how epileptic behavior
arises, right?
yet not requesting for such a depiction only assuming (which we all know
what that is) that since it has not been offered freely it does not exist
is simply once again
showing your ignorance.   The next time you fall into a breakthrough and
are proven that your biased ignorance has served you well you will
remember this. In fact if you are in the neuroscience discipline you will
be teaching the '23 pages' within 2 years from now. That is, if you are
able to 'get it' or if you are able to admit you don't know anything about
that which you attack the least of all is me.

Being in computer science you are unable to see anything happen in the
world that does not occur in binary............ too bad, since off is DEAD
in anything other than
a computer.

Since the topic was broached... You will not agree with the following
since you did not take the effort to remove your ignorance .......but your
opinion doesn't matter...... 

1)Both petit mal and grand mal episodes of epileptic seizures are caused
by the same thing.......
A) The brain sends two forms of signals to all muscle groups.
       REST.... which is the normal condition of the body.
       DON'T REST... which is perceived as exertion....
B) Epileptic seizures are caused when:
      1)The REST signal is placed off balance.........
          A) Petit mal occurs when the balance is not completely thrown.
              There still remains some REST signal being sent. 
          B) Grand mal occurs when the REST signal is cut off.
      2) The cause of the REST signal being cut off or reduced is
          A) Wave collapse...... which occurs when a chemical imbalance
              within the synapse to neuron transmission corrupts the
              value of the wave... this occurs in the limbic.
          B) Conversion imbalance in the limbic which occurs when the
              subconscious signals to muscle motivation are corrupted by
              an out of balance assembly of conscious computational values
              in the transmission to long term memory........
      3) The equation for proper muscle motivation is

Work it out for yourself..... if you can handle simple math..............
If you are
a student I suggest you change your attitude on learning only things you
know.. if you are a professor I suggest you do the same thing but teach
to use their head as well..................

You didn't refer to anything else. I will be pleased to deal with you in a
professional conceptual manner. When you begin to act like it.

                  Lee Kent Hempfling 
    1-501-783-5367 ENTICY1 @aol.com
  "My belief is firm in a law of compensation. 
   The true rewards are ever in proportion to 
  the labor and sacrifices made...It has been 
 perfected, it exists, and all that is necessary 
    is to put it in operation." ...Nikola Tesla

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