Call for Papers: Fuzzy-Neuro Systems '97

FNS 97 fns97 at ibm18.uni-paderborn.de
Fri May 3 05:27:22 EST 1996

                                 CALL FOR PAPERS

                             Fuzzy-Neuro Systems '97
                         - Computational Intelligence -
                           4th International Workshop

                               12 to 14 March 1997
                        University of Paderborn, Germany 

Fuzzy-Neuro Systems '97 is the fourth event of a well established series of
workshops with international participation. Its aim is to give an overview
of the state of the art in research and development of fuzzy systems and
artificial neural networks. Another aim is to highlight applications of these 
methods and to forge innovative links between theory and application by means
of creative discussions.

Fuzzy-Neuro Systems '97 will add evolutionary algorithms to the areas of fuzzy
logic and neural networks in order to show current trends in soft computing
and computational intelligence comprehensively. Interested parties are
especially encouraged to hand in contributions of hybrid systems that combine
advantages of various methods efficiently.

Organizer of this workshop is Research Committee 1.2 "Inference Systems"
(Fachausschuss 1.2 "Inferenzsysteme") of German Society of Computer Science
(Gesellschaft fuer Informatik e. V. (GI)) supported by Research Center 
"Sensors/Actuators" (Forschungsschwerpunkt "Sensorik/Aktorik") of Northrhine-
Westfalia (Nordrhein-Westfalen) at University of Paderborn, Department Soest.

Preceding workshops were held in Braunschweig (1993), Munich (1994) and
Darmstadt (1995). Invited plenary speakers were Prof. D. Dubois (Toulouse),
Prof. J. A. Feldman (Berkeley), Dr. H. Hellendoorn (Munich), Prof. L. Koczy
(Tokyo, Budapest), Prof. R. Kruse (Braunschweig), Prof. E. H. Mamdani
(London), Prof. L. A. Zadeh (Berkeley) and Prof. H.-J. Zimmermann (Aachen).

Invited plenary speakers for this workshop will be Prof. J. Bezdek
(Pensacola), Prof. E. P. Klement (Linz), Prof. T. Kohonen (Helsinki), Prof.
W. Pedrycz (Manitoba) and Prof. H.-P. Schwefel (Dortmund).

Conference languages will be German and English.

Further information is available in World Wide Web under


Scientific Topics

- theory and principles of multivariate and fuzzy logic
- representation modes of fuzzy knowledge 
- approximate reasoning
- fuzzy control: theory and practice
- fuzzy logic: data analysis, signal processing and pattern recognition
- fuzzy classification systems
- fuzzy decision support systems
- fuzzy logic in non-technical areas: business administration, management etc.
- fuzzy databases
- theorie and principles of artificial neural networks
- hybrid learning algorithms
- neural networks: pattern recognition, classification, process monitoring
  and production control
- theory and principles of evolutionary algorithms: genetic algorithms
  and evolution strategies
- discrete parameter and structural optimization
- hybrid systems: neuro-fuzzy systems, connectionistic expert systems etc.
- special hardware and software

Program Committee

Prof. Dr. W. Becker, University of Paderborn, Department Soest
Prof. Dr. F. Belli, University of Paderborn
Prof. Dr. W. Bibel, Technical University of Darmstadt
Prof. Dr. W. Brauer, Technical University of Munich
Prof. Dr. C. Freksa, University of Hamburg
Prof. Dr. M. Glesner, Technical University of Darmstadt
Prof. Dr. S. Gottwald, University of Leipzig
Prof. Dr. A. Grauel, University of Paderborn, Department Soest (Chairman)
Dr. H. Hellendoorn, Siemens AG, Munich
Prof. Dr. R. Isermann, Technical University of Darmstadt
Prof. Dr. P. Klement, University of Linz
Prof. Dr. R. Kruse, Technical University of Braunschweig
Dr. R. Palm, Siemens AG, Munich
Prof. Dr. B. Reusch, University of Dortmund
Prof. Dr. W. von Seelen, University of Bochum
Prof. Dr. H. Tolle, Technical University of Darmstadt
Prof. Dr. W. Wahlster, University of Saarbruecken
Prof. Dr. H.-J. Zimmermann, Technical University of Aachen

Submission of Contributions

Please pay attention to the following deadlines for submission of

30/08/1996: abridged version (German or English, 3 to 4 pages DIN A4 size)
            of following structure:
            - title
            - author(s)
            - address
            - phone
            - fax
            - e-mail
            1. abstract
            2. key words (not more than 5)
            3. state of the art
            4. new aspects
            5. theory, simulation or experiment
            6. results and conclusion
            7. references

October 96: notification of acceptance or rejection of contribution

29/11/1996: final camera-ready papers for proceedings (up to 8 pages DIN A4)

Please send your scientific contribution in four copies to:

Prof. Dr. Adolf Grauel
Universitaet-Gesamthochschule Paderborn
Abteilung Soest, Fachbereich 16
Fachgebiet Mathematische Methoden und Systemtheorie
Steingraben 21
D-59494 Soest

WWW:    http://www.uni-paderborn.de/~fns97/
E-mail: fns97 at uni-paderborn.de

Workshop Fees

Workshop fees are:

industry rate                                                        DM 600,-
university rate                                                      DM 450,-
rate for GI members or speakers                                      DM 400,-
rate for students without income                                     DM 100,-
(excluding proceedings and banquet)

A surcharge of DM 100,- is payable for registration after 15/2/1996. Services
of Gesellschaft fuer Informatik e. V. (GI) are tax-free according to German
law ' 4 Nr. 22a UStG. The fee includes proceedings, drinks during breaks as
well as DM 45,- for attending the banquet. DM 45,- incl. VAT paid for the
banquet will be directly remitted to the account of a local caterer.


Please send the completed application form to:

Dienstleistungsgesellschaft fuer Informatik mbH
Frau Gabriele Trapp
Ahrstrasse 45
D-53175 Bonn

Phone: ++ 49 / 2 28 / 30 21 64
Fax:   ++ 49 / 2 28 / 37 86 90

Application Form

I am interested in (please tick)

O  submitting a contribution;
O  attending the workshop.

Last name:__________________________________________________________________

First name:_________________________________________________________________









GI member number:___________________________________________________________



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