Postdoctoral Fellowships Immediately Available

John Huguenard huguenar at leland.stanford.edu
Thu May 2 12:27:14 EST 1996

STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE: Postdoctoral fellowships focused on 
the cellular neurophysiology, development and anatomy of neocortical and 
thalamic neurons and networks.  Issues include reorganization of membrane 
properties, receptors and circuits after injury; axonal sprouting; 
presynaptic modulatory mechanisms; pharmacology and physiology of GABAA 
receptors; and mechanisms of epileptogenesis.  Techniques include those of 
whole cell and cell-attached patch clamp recordings in "thin" slices and 
dissociated cells, intracellular labeling, analysis of channel and whole 
cell currents, immunocytochemistry and cellular neuropharmacology. 
Eligibility:  U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Candidates should have 
an M.D., Ph.D. or equivalent degree, and predoctoral or postdoctoral 
experience in one of the above areas.  Salary: NIH scale plus supplement. 
For further information contact David A. Prince, M.D. or John R. Huguenard, 
Ph.D., Department of Neurology and Neurological Sciences, Room M016, 
Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA 94305-5300.  E-mail: 
DAPrince at leland.stanford.edu or huguenar at leland.stanford.edu FAX: 
415-723-1080.  AA/EO 

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