We are feature detectors

ENTICY1 enticy1 at aol.com
Wed May 1 07:22:45 EST 1996

In article <4m6hht$13hg at itssrv1.ucsf.edu>, paul at phy.ucsf.edu (Paul Bush)
>Let's consider the visual system: It works because the features that
>are most informative at low levels do not change over the lifetime of
>the individual. What are the most basic features of a visual target,
>beyond the presence or absence of light at a point? In order, they
>are: Where is it going, how fast is it going, what is it? These
>features are the first to be encoded in nearly all visual systems. In
>lower animals direction and velocity selectivity appear in the
>retina. Postponing feature abstraction to higher levels allows more
>information to be abstracted, thus cat cells do not show velocity or
>direction selectivity until layer 4 of primary visual cortex.
These........etc etc etc
<Massive snip>

You see features... Your brain sees the results of photons striking the
rods and cones.
Cat cells do not function in the same synchronicity and same frequency as
human cells and the two are NOT comparable.  You are committing the
Observational Illusion of noticing how something seems to work and
dictating that it therefor must be caused  by the same thing.
Paul........and I know how caustic you can get when threatened....
you are simply wrong......... one last piece:

>(Note that my theory predicts that the operation of the BG in neonates
must be radically different from adults (or older children), since
___neonates display essentially random behavior with almost no topdown

This confuses knowledge with processing and the conclusion is absurd. No
topdown so it must be random? Come now Paul.........I gave you more credit
than that....

                  Lee Kent Hempfling 
    1-501-783-5367 ENTICY1 @aol.com
  "My belief is firm in a law of compensation. 
   The true rewards are ever in proportion to 
  the labor and sacrifices made...It has been 
 perfected, it exists, and all that is necessary 
    is to put it in operation." ...Nikola Tesla

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