In article <51 at>, gord at (G K GRAY)
>In these matters caution must be the byword. The vast numbers of
>feedback loops in the nervous system should put us on our guard
>against snap judgements on causality,- A is always cause and B is
>always effect. This is especially needed when there are complex
>associations such as among the Visual Areas. Let's put a "?"
>beside Bill's remark, which means there is unfinished business.
Unfinished only because one has not read the research at the site below
other than that..... its already been discovered.
Lee Kent Hempfling
1-501-783-5367 ENTICY1
"My belief is firm in a law of compensation.
The true rewards are ever in proportion to
the labor and sacrifices made...It has been
perfected, it exists, and all that is necessary
is to put it in operation." ...Nikola Tesla