Entrainment of brainwaves

ENTICY1 enticy1 at aol.com
Wed May 1 09:25:48 EST 1996

In article <59 at homostudy.win-uk.net>, gord at homostudy.win-uk.net (G K GRAY)

>The answer I gave is that the neural circuitry involved
>was not "invented" to make life easier for piano tuners, etc.,for
>other species have the same ability, but is a *by-product* of the
>system which enables an animal to detect the *source* of a sound,
>which can represent a danger or a meal.

Don't forget the ability to discern the flawed paradigm

                  Lee Kent Hempfling 
    1-501-783-5367 ENTICY1 @aol.com
  "My belief is firm in a law of compensation. 
   The true rewards are ever in proportion to 
  the labor and sacrifices made...It has been 
 perfected, it exists, and all that is necessary 
    is to put it in operation." ...Nikola Tesla

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