Fwd: Bell's Palsy

MWinog2777 at aol.com MWinog2777 at aol.com
Tue Dec 31 21:14:01 EST 1996

Something that hasn't been shown to be effective has no role in the treatment
of a medical condition, unless it were totally:
1. free of side effects
2. free of cost
3. easy and painless

Stimulation for Bell's Palsy meets none of these criteria.  It is painful,
tedious and time consuming, and carries significant costs, including
potential work time lost.  We have very limitedhealth care resources; we
should use these on proven remedies.  Let the clinical scientists show that
stimulation is effective in humans before we consider its use in Bell's
Palsy.  I thank Dr. Lundy for an excellent review of the basic research
literature.  It is time for a clinical trial.


Forwarded message:
From:	lundyekl at pacificu.edu (Laurie J. Lundy-Ekman)
To:	mwinog2777 at aol.com (MWinog2777)
CC:	neur-sci at net.bio.net
Date: 96-12-31 15:49:10 EST

For a review of the pros and cons of using electrical stimulation for 
denervated muscle, see Sitwell G.K. and Thorsteinsson, K. G., 
Rehabilitation Procedures, in Dyck P.J., and Thomas, P. K., Peripheral 
Neuropathy, 3rd edition, W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, PA, 
p1695-1696.  Sitwell is an M.D. Ph.D. Emeritus Professor at Mayo Medical 
School; Thorstensson is an M.D. and M.S. assistant professor at Mayo. 
They state:  "The principal applicability of electrical stimulation is for 
lesions affecting single nerves, such as Bell's palsy or traumatic 
neuropathies, in which recovery is anticipated after a long period.  Here 
the maintenance of good contractile components in the muscle may make 
the difference between a good result and a bad one.  Whether electrical 
stimulation can help do this in humans is not proved, but the evidence 
from most other mammalian species in which it has been tried suggests 
that it may."  The authors also provide a brief review of the literature.

Laurie Lundy-Ekman, Ph.D., P.T.
School of Physical Therapy
Pacific University
Forest Grove, OR  97116		
e-mail:  lundyekl at pacificu.edu

On 18 Dec 1996, MWinog2777 wrote:

> The majority of cases are thought to be infectious in origin.  The
> majority are probably related to viral infection.  Exposure to a breeze is
> NOT a factor.  Electric stimulatation is NOT standard therapy, and wasn't
> in 1984, and has NOT been shown to be of any use.  Lyme is a possible
> cause, but very unlikely if you didn't have a rash or tic bite, or other
> symptoms.  Also, quite unlikely to get in northern CA.

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