Neuron-computer interfaces

Vasos Panagiotopoulos +1-917-287-8087 Bioengineer-Financier Samani Marions Panyaught NYC-11357-3436-287-USA vjp2 at dorsai.org
Mon Dec 30 17:19:05 EST 1996

Currently, they just splice a neuron onto a silicon chip, spinkle on
some growth hormone and make a connection, but I wonder if something
more sophisticated isn't coming our way. What about a membrane with
captive receptors that "wag their tail" into the computer sensors when
they notice the right neurotransmitters floating around the channels?
Vasos-Peter John Panagiotopoulos II, Columbia'81+, Bioengineer-Financier, NYC
Bach-Mozart ReaganQuayleGramm  Evrytano-Kastorian  Cit:MarquisWhWFinanc&Indus
vjp2@{MCIMail.Com|CIS.CompuServe.Com|Dorsai.Org}, http://WWW.Dorsai.Org/~vjp2
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