Circle of Noise

Javilk javilk at nntp.best.com
Sat Dec 28 05:23:00 EST 1996

Taranis ap Epona (flaming at aye.net) wrote:
: BriBear wrote:
: > 
: > I have recently noted that several apparently unrelated things seem
: > to affect my mental clarity/focus, 

    They are most likely very related, and are classical symptoms of a
condition discussed on the Immune and MCS-CI lists.

: > 1) Extended use of a computer seems to cause fogged thinking, fatigue &
: > lack of motivation. Occasionally, my face seems to tingle & burn after a
: > long day's work in front of a PC.
: > 2) Lengthy automobile travel or _any_ air travel causes the same kind of
: > un-focused state that computers cause

   Check out http://www.mall-net.com/mcs/crtpain.html

    The site is for those with odd allergies called Multiple Chemical
Sensitivity, which includes some of the fumes from CRT's, automobile
exhaust, etc.
    A related condition is chronic subclinical low body temperature, more
fully described at http://www.mall-net.com/mcs/coldbody.html

: > 3) Microwave ovens "jangle" me; 
: > Flourescent lights seem to do the same thing, 
: > Large, high voltage devices, 

     Check out also http://www.mall-net.com/mcs/porphyria.html
Are you also sensitive to bright sunlight?  Char, instead of tan, etc?
terrible headaches from longer exposure to the sun?
: > 4) Large urban areas seem to be psychically "noisy" to the point of
: > distraction & the demarcation can be pretty dramatic 
: <large snip>

: Would it be possible for you to move into a more rural area? This would
: provide you with a haven.
: > 
: > 5) Wood, <snip>

: Is one of natures best insulators in several respects, from magnetic to
: electric energy!

   Sorry, not magnetic!

: > 7) Heavily overcast days (particulary with fog or rain) or very windy
: > days or very crisp cold days help my clarity

   Classical mold allergy reaction

: Of course you will also hear ALOT of .... "See a Shrink" replies, and
: maybe that is an alternative too.

   That is a classical orthodox medical response to Multiple Chemical
Sensitivities.  And is usualy wrong.  Though... low body temperature or
poor nutrition, as well as allergy reactions, CAN interfere with the
proper function of the brain. (Often called "brain fog")  But in that
case, no amount of psych counseling will do much good till the fundamental
contidion is fixed! 

-J-   (John, Javilk at best.com)
CAUTION: I'm no doctor, I only tell computers what to do.
Nothing in this document should be construed as medical advice.
My opinions are subject to the availability of information.
I learn new things each day, and so may change my opinions.

For long lasting relief, consult a doctor  who practices
orthomolecular medicine.   Ask, and I'll recommend mine. 
For a list of more info, send e-mail to ebutler at mall-net.com 
with the subject REQ and NO message,  (24 hr turnaround)
Or try the World Wide Web at:
<A href="http://www.mall-net.com/hot/allergy.html"> Allergy      </a>
<A href="http://www.mall-net.com/cathcart/"       > Dr. Cathcart / Vit C. </a>
<a href="http://www.mall-net.com/arth/"           > Arthritis    </a>
<a href="http://www.mall-net.com/spamfaq.html"    > Anti Spam FAQ </a> 


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