Circle of Noise

J. Heuer netsmurf at ix.netcom.com
Thu Dec 26 01:25:31 EST 1996

In <32C10CF6.6AE8 at waonline.com> BriBear <bhearn at waonline.com> writes: 
>I have recently noted that several apparently unrelated things seem 
>to affect my mental clarity/focus, emotional stability and creativity
>"centeredness", if you will. Loosely referring to them all as the
>of Noise", I'm seeking perspectives from a wide variety of sources as
>cause, connections between them and possible corrective actions. This
>no joke - the changes I experience in my mental states can be _very_ 
>dramatic. _Any_ feedback, from psi to science (including skepticism,
>downright disbelief) is welcome - and greatly appreciated.
This can be caused by any number of things, but a likely possibility is
exessive exposure to electromagnetic radiation (EMR).  This has been
definately been documented by scientific research.

Try reducing exposure (even reducing the brightness on your computer
monitor slightly can help- -it will reduce the electron emmission from
the cathode ray tube)  Take frequent breaks if possible.

I NEVER use a microwave oven.

Also, an ion generator helps-tremendously.  This will balance the ions
(neg vs pos) in the air around you.  Has been shown by science to
really help stress.

Hope these work, they do for me.

J. Heuer
Fresno,CA  (http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/3209)

(p.s.- -if you e-mail me, I am leaving Netcom very soon.  My new e-mail
address- -which is already running- -is:
            desert_fox at waonline.com

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