EPC-9/Mac computer upgrade. Help please

ecastro at eucmax.sim.ucm.es ecastro at eucmax.sim.ucm.es
Fri Dec 27 06:57:06 EST 1996

   I have a patch-clamp amplifier (EPC-9) connected to an old Quadra. I am
thinking about upgrading the computer to a PowerMac, but I have seen that all
new Macs have PCI bus, and the interface card I have is a NuBus.

	Does anyone knows of an adaptor card that would allow to plug (and
work) a Nubus card into a PCI bus? 
(note: I have the Mac to control the patch-clamp, but I am not a
Mac-aficionado, my world is the PC)

Thanks a lot in advance
Merry Christmas

Enrique Castro
Dept. Bioquímica, UCM

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