Left/right brain integration/Strings

Alan S Moore asmoore at ix.netcom.com
Wed Dec 25 14:41:02 EST 1996

In <59rm40$m90 at shellx.best.com> rlk at best.com (rlk) writes: 
>Following up on Rene V. J. Bertain's interesting article:
>The violinist has his left ear quite close to the instrument and the
>ear relatively far away.  It would be interesting to compare pitch
>discrimination in the two ears of violinists.  (Or has that been
Actually I vaguely recall a study of which ear dominated in trained
musicians, in general.  By recollection, it was left dominant, but I'd
say there's only a 50% chance of this being true (at best) :-) 

However, violinists ear preference would not be relavant as to why
cellists, bassists, er-hu, oud and gadulka players have the left hand
doing the pitch oriented work.  It's an interesting topic tho.


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