Circle of Noise

Pascal Mickelson pascal at inreach.com
Wed Dec 25 22:42:19 EST 1996

> I have recently noted that several apparently unrelated things seem
> to affect my mental clarity/focus, emotional stability and 
> creativity.

> 1) Extended use of a computer seems to cause fogged thinking, 
> fatigue & lack of motivation. Occasionally, my face seems to tingle > & burn after a long day's work in front of a PC.
> 7) Heavily overcast days (particulary with fog or rain) or very 
> windy days or very crisp cold days help my clarity
> 8) The same sort of psychological shift that occurs when driving 
> into a rural area happens late at night as well as during holidays, > especially ones that are stay-at-home (like Thanksgiving & 
> Christmas) as opposed to party hardy ones like Independence Day

I have also experienced SOME of these things.  Particularly #'s 1, 7,  
and 8.  I would attribute the reaction you have, and I to some extent, 
to how we associate some things with work/stress and home/relax. When 
we know that we are headed home (#8)(relaxation) we start to relax and 
calm down.  The computer(#1) may simply daze us and cause us to tire.  
Sitting in one place for extended periods of time always tires me out.  
Cold days(#7) probably just affect us psychologically depending on how 
we associate that to ourselves.  It is probable that you like the 
weather when it gets cold, windy, and foggy, and thus you get into a 
positive state of mind that is clearer than normal.  These are simply 
speculations, but I hope that they help. 
Pascal Mickelson.

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