The behavioral change in response to administration of testing
drug in laboratory animal can be assessed partly by monitoring
through the AUTO-TRACK animal activity meter. The
system has an interface to IBM PC/AT compatible computers
that provides complete automation of data collection. It also provides
zoning capability and monitors subject entries and latencies for
up to multiple user defined cage areas. The following features are
very unique for AUTO-TRACK.
a. Distance traveled and pattern of movement data.
b. Separates ambulatory activity from total activity.
c. Provides zone monitoring capability.
d. Can be optionally equipped for animal Rotation Monitoring.
e. Monitors up to 16 cages simultaneously.
f. 15 infra-red photocell per axis.
g. Primary vertical sensor for rearing activity and secondary
vertical sensor is for jumping.
h. Computer storage of processed and raw data.
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