Computational Finance at the Oregon Graduate Institute

Computational Finance compfin at cse.ogi.edu
Thu Dec 26 17:46:15 EST 1996


COMPUTATIONAL FINANCE  at the  Oregon  Graduate  Institute  of
Science & Technology (OGI)

Master of Science Concentrations in
         Computer Science & Engineering (CSE)
         Electrical Engineering (EE)

         Now Reviewing MS Applications for Fall 1997!

New! Certificate Program Designed for Part-Time Students.

For more information, contact OGI Admissions at (503)690-1027 or
admissions at admin.ogi.edu, or visit our Web site at:


Computational Finance Overview:

Advances in computing technology now enable the widespread use of
sophisticated, computationally intensive analysis techniques applied
to finance and financial markets. The real-time analysis of
tick-by-tick financial market data, and the real-time management
of portfolios of thousands of securities is now sweeping the
financial industry.  This has opened up new job opportunities for
scientists, engineers, and computer science professionals in the
field of Computational Finance.

The strong demand within the financial industry for technically-
sophisticated graduates is addressed at OGI by the Master of
Science and Certificate Programs in Computational Finance.  Unlike
a standard two year MBA, the programs are directed at training
scientists, engineers, and technically oriented financial professionals
in the area of quantitative finance.

The master's programs lead to a Master of Science in Computer Science
and Engineering (CSE track) or in Electrical Engineering (EE track).
The MS programs can be completed within 12 months on a full-time
basis.  In addition, OGI has introduced a Certificate program
designed to provide professionals in engineering and finance a means
of upgrading their skills or acquiring new skills in quantitative
finance on a part-time basis.

The Computational Finance MS concentrations feature a unique
combination of courses that provides a solid foundation in finance
at a non-trivial, quantitative level, plus the essential
core knowledge and skill sets of computer science or the information
technology areas of electrical engineering.  These skills are
important for advanced analysis of markets and for the development
of state-of-the-art investment analysis, portfolio management,
trading, derivatives pricing, and risk management systems.

The MS in CSE is ideal preparation for students interested in
securing positions in information systems in the financial industry,
while the MS in EE provides rigorous training for students interested
in pursuing careers as quantitative analysts at leading-edge
financial firms.

The curriculum is strongly project-oriented, using state-of-the-art
computing facilities and live/historical data from the world's
major financial markets provided by Dow Jones Telerate. Students
are trained in the use of high-level numerical and analytical
software packages for analyzing financial data.

OGI has established itself as a leading institution in research
and education in Computational Finance.  Moreover, OGI has strong
research programs in a number of areas that are highly relevant
for work in quantitative analysis and information systems in the
financial industry.


Applications for entrance into the Computational Finance MS programs
for Fall Quarter 1997  are currently being considered.  The deadlines
for receipt of applications are:
        January 15 (Early Decision Deadline, decisions by February 15)
        March 15   (Final Deadline, decisions by April 15)

A candidate must hold a bachelor's degree in computer science,
engineering, mathematics, statistics, one of the biological or
physical sciences, finance, econometrics, or one of the quantitative
social sciences.  Candidates who hold advanced degrees in these
fields or who have experience in the financial industry are also
encouraged to apply.

Applications for the Certificate Program are considered on an
ongoing basis for entrance in any quarter.

Contact Information

For general information and admissions materials:

    Visit our web site at:

    or contact:

        Office of Admissions
        Oregon Graduate Institute
        P.O.Box 91000
        Portland, OR 97291-1000

        E-mail: admissions at admin.ogi.edu
        Phone:  (503)690-1027

For special inquiries:

        E-mail: compfin at cse.ogi.edu


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