BriBear wrote:
>> I have recently noted that several apparently unrelated things seem
> to affect my mental clarity/focus,
> _Any_ feedback, from psi to science (including skepticism, or
> downright disbelief) is welcome - and greatly appreciated.
The following are IMHO, with a mixed background of both psychology and
magic. Take them for what they are worth.
> Here they are...
>> 1) Extended use of a computer seems to cause fogged thinking, fatigue &
> lack of motivation. Occasionally, my face seems to tingle & burn after a
> long day's work in front of a PC.
Two possibilities immediately come to mind, I have the same problem when
my monitor is in the wrong position because I have a pinched nerve in my
neck (physical). OR you could be one of those few that are
hypersensitive to certain vibration ranges (see below).
>> 2) Lengthy automobile travel or _any_ air travel causes the same kind of
> un-focused state that computers cause
This could simply be motionsickness, common enough.
>> 3) Microwave ovens "jangle" me;
> Flourescent lights seem to do the same thing,
> Large, high voltage devices,
<snipped> ETC
This leads back to the hypersensitivity point. Our ancestors were
sensitive to the changes in earths magnetic field, and built many
monuments along "ley" lines (stonehenge for one). We have been so
bombarded by modern equipments fields that most of us have lost that
ability. Seems you are one of the lucky (?) ones to have reverted to
that state.
>> 4) Large urban areas seem to be psychically "noisy" to the point of
> distraction & the demarcation can be pretty dramatic
<large snip>
Would it be possible for you to move into a more rural area? This would
provide you with a haven.
>> 5) Wood, <snip>
Is one of natures best insulators in several respects, from magnetic to
electric energy!
>> 6) Water also <snip>
>> 7) Heavily overcast days (particulary with fog or rain) or very windy
> days or very crisp cold days help my clarity
>> 8) <snip> happens late at night as well as during holidays, especially
> ones that are stay-at-home (like Thanksgiving & Christmas) as opposed to
> party hardy ones like Independence Day
The last two are "away from the noise" occasions. You should probably
seek that daily, as in living arrangements that promote this "head
quiet" time.
As I said at the start, this is all IMHO.
Of course you will also hear ALOT of .... "See a Shrink" replies, and
maybe that is an alternative too.