Eggs for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis?

Rolf Busch Rolf.Busch at t-online.de
Sat Dec 21 05:02:56 EST 1996

My wife Ursula has Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis/Dementia.
It seems to me that in treating these serious diseases
nutritional considerations do not play an important role. The idea 
being: These conditions are so serious that a bit more or less of 
grapefruit or fish oil does not make a difference. I suppose, though, 
it could make a difference. 

I  have recently come upon an article in HEALTH TALK (vol.9, nr.2,
September 1990), by H.L.Queen, which does propose whole eggs for
nerve repair: "Reversing Chemical- or Neurotoxin-Induced Damage 
to the Brain and Nervous System. The Role of Fruits, Vegetables, 
and Whole Eggs." My question is, does it make sense to add whole
eggs to Ursula's diet? To the diet of ALS patients?

I understand the usefulness of raising glutathione levels, as Queen
argues. But what about eggs? The author writes: "The ideal diet for 
restoring the maximum possible function to severely affected brain and
nerve tissues (with the exception of stroke patients), should include
2-6 eggs daily. Whole eggs, because they stimulate the biosynthesis
of apoprotein-E..."

Why the exception of stroke patients? The cataract of events following
a stroke is very similar to the events in a neurodegenerative disease
like ALS. 

I vaguely remember that a(lipo)protein-E plays some role in ALS. But
I do not remember which. A good or a bad one?

And there is a third point, which I am not sure about. Queen writes:
"...most investigators...assume that...eggs encourage arterial disease. 
I believe that the opposite is true, especially in the physically-active,
properly nourished person." ALS patients are certainly among the 
world's less physically active persons. Ursula is definitely not 
active. She is completely paralysed.

I would appreciate discussion and advice: Does it make sense to
add eggs to the diet of ALS sufferers? Or could it even be 

Rolf Busch

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