I have recently noted that several apparently unrelated things seem
to affect my mental clarity/focus, emotional stability and creativity -
"centeredness", if you will. Loosely referring to them all as the "Circle
of Noise", I'm seeking perspectives from a wide variety of sources as to
cause, connections between them and possible corrective actions. This is
no joke - the changes I experience in my mental states can be _very_
dramatic. _Any_ feedback, from psi to science (including skepticism, or
downright disbelief) is welcome - and greatly appreciated.
Here they are...
1) Extended use of a computer seems to cause fogged thinking, fatigue &
lack of motivation. Occasionally, my face seems to tingle & burn after a
long day's work in front of a PC.
2) Lengthy automobile travel or _any_ air travel causes the same kind of
un-focused state that computers cause
3) Microwave ovens "jangle" me; I can actually feel them when they are
running. Flourescent lights seem to do the same thing, at a lower level.
Large, high voltage devices, such as power filters & unitteruptible power
supplies really make my guts crawl but without a doubt, electric blankets
are the worst (though tanning beds run a close second; I don't use either
of them anymore)
4) Large urban areas seem to be psychically "noisy" to the point of
distraction & the demarcation can be pretty dramatic - often when I'm
driving from one place to another, I suddenly find myself heaving a huge
sigh of relief, only then to notice that I have passed beyond the "Circle
of Noise" and into a rural and/or heavily wooded area. As an aside to the
scientist who might be reading this: I have observed this even when
someone else was driving to a place unfamiliar to me and I was riding in
the back of a van with no windows.
5) Wood, in the form of living trees, real wood (not plywood) sided
houses and real wood paneled rooms seem to provide a great deal of
filtering/protection/shielding & help me maintain my center
6) Water also seems to "shield" me; long showers or time in a pool clear
my head
7) Heavily overcast days (particulary with fog or rain) or very windy
days or very crisp cold days help my clarity
8) The same sort of psychological shift that occurs when driving into a
rural area happens late at night as well as during holidays, especially
ones that are stay-at-home (like Thanksgiving & Christmas) as opposed to
party hardy ones like Independence Day