AI Top-down, Robotics Bottom-up (Was: Bottom-up evolution...)

Arthur T. Murray uj797 at freenet.Victoria.BC.CA
Mon Dec 23 03:24:21 EST 1996

In a previous article, cman at plantaganet.com (cman) says:

> After reading a lot of the posts in this newsgroup, I have come
> to the inescapable conclusion that much of the AI topics discussed
> here revolve around 'strong AI', that is, intelligences designed
> from the top down around diagrammed models of how the designers
> imagine a mind to function.  [...]
> I am a proponent of 'weak AI', in the sense that I believe only a
> bottom-up evolutionary approach will create true machine sentience.

Imagine a Corps of Army Engineers who are eager to build a bridge
but who must first toss a grappling hook until it stretches taut.

In similar fashion, mindmakers find a basic skeletal structure of
the brain-mind and display it on the Internet so that a bottom-up
process can occur of many independent AI toilers fleshing out the
initial framework, the overview created by Chomskyan linguistics:

  /^^^^^^^^^^^\ Top-down Overview; Details on WWW /^^^^^^^^^^^\
 /visual memory\           ________   semantic   /  auditory   \
|      /--------|-------\ / syntax \  memory    |episodic memory|
|      |  recog-|nition | \________/<-----------|------------\  |
|   ___|___     |       |      |flush-vector    |    ______  |  |
|  /image  \    |    ___V______V_  word-fetch   |   /      \ |  |
| / percept \<--|-->/ library of \--------------|->/ stored \|  |
| \ engrams /   |   \  concepts  / for thinking |  \ words  /   |
|  \_______/    |    \__________/  in language  |   \______/    |

http://www.newciv.org/Mentifex/ run periodic Mentifex Web search.
http://www.complex.com.pl/~venom/science.html details of diagram.

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