In article <engelking-2012961128350001 at>,
engelking at wrote:
>> I am a left-handed person and I have been recently reading up on the
> causes of my handednes.. Many of the reports I have read conclude that it
> is caused by either trauma to the brain at birth, it is genetic, or that
> it is a form of brain damage (!). What is the status of all these theories
> in the medical community? And also, do we left-handed people have any
> special right brain skills (visual-spatial I've read?)? What are the
> consequences of being left-handed? How do I differ from right-handers?
My son and I are both left-handed and have IQs of 180+ If that's brain
damage, I'm all for it. :) I suspect that some of my forebears also were
left-handed, but in those days kids were forced to use their right hands
Uses for right hand? I use a hammer and do other gross-motor activities
best with my right
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