Bell's Palsy-is this the right place to ask?

Leslie E. Packer, PhD lpacker at pipeline.com
Fri Dec 20 20:18:36 EST 1996

rcb1 at LEX.LCCC.EDU (Ron Blue) wrote:

>On 17 Dec 1996, F. Frank LeFever wrote:
>> cases clear up spontaneously.  Might be a basis for antibiotic
>> treatment, but "shock therapy"??  Surely you don't mean ECT!!  That
>> would be bizarre unless you were so deeply depressed that you had
>> delusions of facial paralysis.
>does ECT increase nerve growth?  Ron


I doubt it's ECT.  I would suspect that it's electrostimulation, which
is a PT modality, and one that I have used a few times with a few

Electrical stimulation can have some role in nerve regeneration....
for good and for bad, from what I've read.  I've used it to help
promote regeneration, but you have to watch out for signs of
collateral sprouting, or that you not use too much and "blow out" one
of the 'giants.'



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