Brain mast cells

Sharon Schreiber gateintl at ix.netcom.com
Thu Dec 19 11:26:08 EST 1996

F. Frank LeFever wrote:
> I've searched Medline pretty well, but am looking beyond it.
> I'm ESPECIALLY interested in contacting anyone whose work involves mast
> cells in the brain, but welcome any suggestions for databanks that
> might have things Medline misses.
> Especially useful would be abstracts from proceedings of meetings,
> because Medline does not include them.
> Frank LeFever
> New York Neuropsychology GroupDear Mr. LeFever,

I'm hoping Baumel-Eisner Neuromedical Institute can help you find some 
answers regarding your research of mast cells in the brain.

The Baumel-Eisner Neuromedical Institute in South Florida is an 
experienced and proficient private clinical drug trials facility. The 
Institute specializes in testing medications for Alzheimer's disease, 
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The Baumel-Eisner Neuromedical Institute is the pharmaceutical sponsor's 
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efficient and expert manner. We are the premiere site in the United 
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For more information regarding our services please contact us at 


GATE International, Incorporated
Sharon Schreiber
Director - Customer Service Relations


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