daytime fatigue (sleepiness) relief

Ron Blue rcb1 at LEX.LCCC.EDU
Wed Dec 18 10:03:22 EST 1996

On Tue, 17 Dec 1996, James Howard wrote:
> sleepiness, and go ahead and nap.  Well, this small amount of
> melatonin actually revives me; it takes about 20 mins for me to feel
> the effects.  This is so dramatic that I thought this newsgroup should
> know about this.  Please bear in mind that I also take DHEA, which I
> think is necessary for the effect.  I know how frustrating daytime
> fatigue and sleepiness can be.  I hope this works for others.
> James Howard
This could be simple opponent-process.  But James has some interesting
ideas.  Namely that the brain is a heavy user of DHEA during the day
and that melatonin is used to make DHEA during the night.

Another interest idea is that the competition for DHEA is related to
alot of other factors.  The one that I would like to comment on is the
teeth.  If intellectual culture increases the number of neuro connectors
which increases the need for DHEA then this would possiblily explain
the rapid reduction of teeth size in the last 500 years.

While I do not agree with all that James is reporting his ideas are
stimulating and it seems to me that it is likely that some are true.
If you are interested in this topic it is worth reading.

Ron Blue

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