Bell's Palsy-is this the right place to ask?

Ron Blue rcb1 at LEX.LCCC.EDU
Tue Dec 17 10:36:21 EST 1996

On Mon, 16 Dec 1996, Kristofer M. Barins wrote:

> I am 22 years old at San Diego State University and have had Bell's
> Palsy since late 1983. When I got Bell's Palsy I had a fever of 104, and
> was taken to my Pediatrician who diagnosed it as B.P., and referred me
> and to a neurologist. The neurologist set me up with a CAT scan to make
Israel solders were given antidotes for nerve gas I believe and
large percentages became ill.  The antidote unexpectedly went across
the blood-brain barrier and effected the nervous system.  This occurs
during high stress.  So high stress opens the brain for attack.
This may be related to your problem.  Ron

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