daytime fatigue (sleepiness) relief

James Howard phis at sprynet.com
Tue Dec 17 12:21:29 EST 1996

I recently had the occasion to explain how wellbutrin (bupropion) may
help people stop smoking; you can read it as "Bupropion, Smoking,
Melatonin, and DHEA" at sci.life-extension and some other groups.
During my work on this, I came to the conclusion that a small amount
of melatonin should releive daytime fatigue and sleepiness.  This
seems contradictory to most ideas about melatonin; I considered it
contrary to my theory of sleep at http://www.naples.net/~nfn03605,
but, again, my work on my bupropion idea suggested that it might work.
Well, I have taken about 1 mg of melatonin a number of occasions
during a time when I felt I would have to give up, due to fatigue or
sleepiness, and go ahead and nap.  Well, this small amount of
melatonin actually revives me; it takes about 20 mins for me to feel
the effects.  This is so dramatic that I thought this newsgroup should
know about this.  Please bear in mind that I also take DHEA, which I
think is necessary for the effect.  I know how frustrating daytime
fatigue and sleepiness can be.  I hope this works for others.
James Howard

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