In <32B4647C.45FC at> Mike Kelly <mkelly at> writes:
>>Has anybody seen post-traumatic authomatism with violence? If so,
>you please let me have any references.
>>L.S. Illis, MD., BSc., FRCP
>Honorary Emeritus Consultant in Neurology
>Southampton University Hospitals
>I haven't SEEN it, nor read of it, BUT: In trying ro understand what
was going on with a Transient Global Amnesia patient who seemed to me
atypical because of (1) an unusually long acute stage, and (2)
recurring amnestic episodes over the next few months, I came across
literature on "confusional migraine". I had known about post-traumatic
migraine, and some of these confusional migraine cases had episodes
precipitated by mild head trauma. Confusion and persistent questions
are more typical, but I believe one case had sufficient agitation as to
raise the possibility of violent behavior.
Frank LeFever
New York Neuropsychology Group