I am 22 years old at San Diego State University and have had Bell's
Palsy since late 1983. When I got Bell's Palsy I had a fever of 104, and
was taken to my Pediatrician who diagnosed it as B.P., and referred me
and to a neurologist. The neurologist set me up with a CAT scan to make
sure it wasn't a brain tumor, or anything dangerous. The scan didn't
show anything abnormal, so he began tratment for B.P. This consisted on
weekly shock therapy treatments (I am fairly sure about the time between
treatments, and 1 week sounds good). The treatments went on for some
time, and got steadily more intesnive, as far as level of
intensity(voltage). He said that mine was an rare case and that I would
probobly never regain full use of the right side of my face. Over the
years I have had improvement. I feel that this thing is curable, and was
wondering if anyone could offer some light on the situation.
The B.P. came about shortly after a school camping trip where I did
sleep outside with no tent (only a sleeping bag). I know that Lyme's
disease can often be a contributing factor in a person contracting B.P.,
but was Lyme's disease a known problem c. 1984 in Northern California?
and if not, could that have been overlooked as a possible cause of the
I have also heard anecdotal evidence of many people being inflicted
after being exposed to cold breezes, air, etc... Is this confirmed or
just a going theory?
Thank you again and any light that can be shed on this situation is
gratly apprecisted.