blackout, what happened?

SG sg at psy.ox.ac.uk
Mon Dec 16 14:51:20 EST 1996

F. Frank LeFever wrote:
> In <72lob54gns.fsf at trio.ii.uib.no> Helge Avlesen <avle at trio.ii.uib.no>
> writes:

> >Is it true that drinking large quantities of alcohol kills braincells?
> >Why do some get blackouts, and what happens with the brain physically? 
> >We are some friends discussing this, and we found out we really don't
> >have a clue...

> Check out literature on NMDA, LTP (long term potentiation), memory:
> experimental work (rats) shows brief blocking of NMDA activation
> immediately after a "1-trial learning" experience prevents LTP and
> prevents memory formation (for that event).  Then check out literature
> on effect of various things on NMDA: ketamine blocks it very strongly,
> but alcohol also tends to.  May be individual differences in
> vulnerability (e.g. number or sensitivity of NMDA receptors, e.g.
> strength of converging inflences on NMDA activation and/or subsequent
> events--NO production, etc.
> Frank LeFever
> New York Neuropsychology Group

The NMDA story is not so straightforward, for details see

If to speak about literature search, it would probably be more 
informative for our Norwegian friends to search for the keywords 
"alcohol neurotoxicity" and "state-dependent learning"


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