On Fri, 13 Dec 1996, G K GRAY wrote:
> This whole discussion exposes rather slipshod teaching of electrics
> to undergraduates in neuroscience, and - dare I say it? - slipshod
> presentation of certain aspects of the subject in even some of the
> best introductory textbooks, e.g.; "From Neuron to Brain", 2nd and
> 3rd Edns.
Hi Gord,
I think that the discussion really began as the simple answering of a
question asked by an interested lay-person, at least in regard to the
biophysics of excitable membranes, so I don't think that it is necessarily
appropriate to give the full blown biophysical explanation in response.
Not everyone who reads and/or asks questions to this NG is a
neuroscientist, or even college educated - public forum, and all that.
Lots of interested lay-people out there with internet connections.
You wouldn't expect the original question from a trained neuroscientist,
so I think it only proper to respond in a more easily digestible form.
That's not to say that a more technical explanation can't be provided, but
will that answer do any good to the person that asked the question?
Matt Fraser "Hey, You! Don't help them
To bury the Light.
mof at prophet.pharm.pitt.edu Don't give in
MATTF at vms.cis.pitt.edu Without a Fight."
mattf+ at pitt.edu
Pink Floyd