>Approved-By: "Panicker, Sangeeta" <sxp.apa at EMAIL.APA.ORG>
>Date: Fri, 13 Dec 1996 10:52:03 -0500
>Reply-To: "APA's Animal Research Information Board List"
>Sender: "APA's Animal Research Information Board List"
>From: "Panicker, Sangeeta" <sxp.apa at email.apa.org>
>Organization: APA
>Subject: Fraudulent reporter - Alert
>To: Multiple recipients of list APAARIB <APAARIB at GWUVM.GWU.EDU>
>>An alert from the Foundation for Biomedical Reserch (FBR) - December 10,
>>A person identifying himself as Harold Ramsey, and claiming affiliation
>with the television
>show "20/20" has contacted at least two institutions in the last 24
>hours. Ramsey claims that
>"20/20" is doing a show on animal rights/animal research, and he is
>looking for information
>on animal research projects. The Foundation has contacted "20/20" and
>sources there say that
>there is no employee at "20/20" named Harold Ramsey.
>>If you receive a call form Harold Ramsey, please contact me as soon as
>possible. Try to get
>a phone number and any other information from the caller, but do not give
>any information
>about your research, your institution's programs, etc.
>>In general, any press calls should be verified by your public affairs
>office before any
>information is divulged. Press calls can also be referred to FBR as
>>Again, please contact me if you've received any inquires from Harold
>Ramsey and/or
>>Mary Brennan
>Executive Vice President
>Foundation for Biomedical Research
>Phone: (202) 457-0654
>e-mail: mbrennan at fbresearch.org>