SPEEDY: A new 3D Neuroimage display Program

Barrou Diallo Barrou.Diallo at Cyceron.Fr
Sat Dec 14 04:22:26 EST 1996

SPEEDY: A very high performance Visualization tool for 3d Medical Images


Speedy is a new 3D fast rendering program developped at the Cyceron
PET Center by DIALLO Barrou and DOLIDON Florent. With Speedy, the user
display and manipulate in real-time 3D volumes of MRI, PET or CT data.

Key Words : medicine, 3D medical imaging, computer graphics,
 image volume segmentation, image volume registration, 
volume visualization, volume rendering, real-time rendering, 
virtual reality, anatomy, anatomy atlas, Z-Buffer, Ray-Tracing, VOI, ROI


                                      \\ ~ ~ //
                                      (/ @ @ /)
            |                                                         |
            |                       DIALLO Barrou                     |
            |      Cyceron PET Research Center Caen cedex France     
            |                 Tel: (+33) 02 31 47 02 00               |
            |            WebSite: www.cyceron.fr/~diallo              |
            |                                                         |
            \-------------------ANOTHERVISION MEMBER------------------/

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