Just a bunch of chemicals with the illusion of life

James Woodson jwoodson at ucla.edu
Sat Dec 14 13:48:21 EST 1996

>In article <58tvfi$c1f at nnrp2.farm.idt.net>, mvcs at gramercy.ios.com (Jeff
>Baldwin) wrote:
>> Given: Life/conciousness/mind is nothing more than chemical reactions.
>> Then:
>> 1) Why/how did/does subjective perception "come to be"?
>> 2) If mind and all its attributes are mere checmical reactions with
>> deterministic, material (and therefore objective) origin, then why
>> does subjective perception at times differ (and markedly so) from
>> objective reality?
>> 3) Why does "the subjective" (in humans only?) strive to "objectify"
>> itself?
Here's a little quote for you from one of the founding fathers of psychology.

James Woodson* (jwoodson at ucla.edu)
Dept. of Psychology - Behavioral Neuroscience
University of California at Los Angeles
405 Hilgard Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90095

 " Whilst part of what we perceive comes through our senses from the
object before us, another part (and it may be the larger part) always comes
out of our own mind."
                        William James
                        The Principles of Psychology

*Research in Learned Helplessness, Adenosine,
 Anatomical Sex Differences in the Brain (SDN-POA), and Sexual Motivation

 Standard disclaimer: Las opiniones de este mensaje son
personales y no comprometen las dependencias a cargo de la firmante.

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