model of the synaptic vesicle

Matt Fraser mof at prophet.pharm.pitt.edu
Thu Dec 12 23:27:01 EST 1996

On 12 Dec 1996, Joseph T. Ho wrote:

> Doesn't that depend on what kind of axon/synapse you're talking about?  In a
> neuromuscular junction about 100-300 vesicles are released whereas in a normal
> neuron-neureon synapse, only 1-10 vesicles are released.

Yes, it does depend on the synapse, and even the transmitter that is being
released.  Moreover, it depends on the history of the synapse, such as the
frequency of stimulation.  If the frequency is high, there is more calcium
in the terminal per impulse, so more transmitter is dumped, but then you
can deplete the releasable pool ...  It's not a simple question to answer.
It is best dealt with by quantal analysis for each synapse.

Oh, almost forgot, you also need to consider differential release of
co-transmitters, such as neuropeptides and glutamate.  



Matt Fraser                        "Hey, You! Don't help them 
                                        To bury the Light.
mof at prophet.pharm.pitt.edu                Don't give in
MATTF at vms.cis.pitt.edu                   Without a Fight."
mattf+ at pitt.edu
                                           Pink Floyd

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