Applications are invited for a three year Post-doctoral research
position, available immediately, to study the properties of glutatmate
receptors during the induction of synaptic plasticity in the cerebellar
Infra-Red DIC microscopy will be used to facilitate patch clamp
recordings from thin slices, together with video based imaging
techniques to study the interactions of a range of second messengers
including calcium, cGMP and protein kinase C.
For further information, contact Dr. Nick Hartell at the address below.
Dr. Nick Hartell
Dept. of Pharmaceutical and Biological Sciences,
Aston University,
Aston Triangle, Tel: + 44 121 359 3621 ext 5331
Birmingham. Fax: + 44 121 359 0733
B4 7ET. U.K. Email: n.a.hartell at