Alternating Hemiplegia of Childhood

Philippe Jourdain pjourda at worldnet.fr
Fri Dec 13 12:33:13 EST 1996

Hello word,

        This message is for all families which have a AHC case in their

        I want to federate all AHC families on Internet to speeck
        AHC disease. (Treatment, way of life, problems, docs ....).

        I know that some of us are in USA, FRANCE, JAPAN, .... 
        Please let me know.
        I want to create a complet Address Book.
        A first presentation is now available on my AHC WEB SITE.


The power is in our hands.
|	Philippe JOURDAIN			;-)	|
|	42, rue de Savigny				|
|	91170 Viry-Chatillon				|
|	FRANCE						|
|	Tel : (+33)			|
|							|
|	1er  E.Mail: mailto:pjourda at worldnet.fr		|
|	2eme E.Mail: mailto:jourim at psisun.u-psud.fr	|
|							|
|	Web Site : HTTP://www.worldnet.fr/~pjourda	|
|							|
|	C.N.A.M. Computer engineering & NetWork Admin	|
|	D.U.T.   Computer science			|

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