surplus O2 regulators

Mike Leshner mlesh at pop.erols.com
Fri Dec 13 19:30:24 EST 1996

I have the following equipment, and welcome your reasonable offers:

Medical Oxygen Regulators - Victor Medical Products model 0799-1367 
quantity 307.   223 pieces are new in Victor packaging with high
pressure gauge.
Additional 86 pieces have high pressure gauge and “E” cylinder yoke, and
are new, but not in original packaging. 

Vacuum Gauges - 2 1/2 inch round chrome case with plastic bezel.
Quantity 48.  Connection is 1/8 NPT male at bottom.  Manufactured by
Ametek and private labelled “Ohio”. Range: 0 - 30 in. Hg. & 0 - 760 mm.

Respirometers - Fraser Harlake - Model RM211 - quantity 5.  New
including zipper case, inlet adapters and carying strap.

come visit at http://www.erols.com/mlesh/surplus.html
mlesh at pop.erols.com

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