> Are you refering to Timothy Salthouse's Psych Review article? (It sounds
> like it, although I'm not sure why you wouldn't "normally jump to [Psychology
> Review] for a reference.")
YES, this is the one!
> This really is a very well done article,
> Salthouse is well respected and is the editor of Psych and Aging,
Well, I am glad to hear that he is respected. He quoted himself
and his research so much I recognized that he had been pushing
this valuable concept for sometime. His ideas matched in
perfectly with mine.
> but I'd
> like to point out that this particular article is addressing changes in
> cognitive processing, not the nervous system in general,
fairly stated, but if you think about it without a nervous system
it is hard to think about cognitive processing. So cognitive
processing reflects the underlining dynamics of the changing nervous
> and that his
> general slowing model of cognitive change is not necessarily the last word
> on the issue.
Agreed. Nothing is or will be the last word. At best we have from
my Air Force days in Intelligence an "estimate of the situation".
> Just thought I'd add my $0.02 worth.
Well more than 2 cents but less than a million.
> Julie
Ron Blue