Christopher Reeve Spinal Cord Injury Research Center

bjohnson at irv.nelsongroup.com bjohnson at irv.nelsongroup.com
Fri Dec 13 11:31:19 EST 1996

Actor Christopher Reeve and philanthropist Joan Irvine-Smith have 
established the Reeve-Irvine Research Center, a new center for excellence 
dedicated to finding a cure for spinal cord injuries, at the University of 
California, Irvine (UCI).

Irvine-Smith pledged $1 million for the center with the understanding that 
UCI would raise an additional $2 million to support its lauch.

A celebrity studded fundraising dinner and equestrian competition were held in 
August 1996.  Christopher Reeve and numerous other celebrities turned out to 
help raise $500,000 for the Center.  

More information on the gala fundraising weekend and the Reeve-Irvine 
Research Center is available at:


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