On Wed, 11 Dec 1996, FLEX wrote:
> Good day. Lately, a member of my family has been complaining of having a
> 'smell' stuck in their nose, every waking minute. It was discussed with
> the family doctor, who could provide no solution... no referral to a
> specialist of any kind was given.
A bad odor is in my opinion is similar to pain. It is the stimulation
on two or more opposite channels that is DISCREPTANT. After a stroke
people report having a "smell stuck in their nose" because the
damage has discohered the system from the learned olifactory environment.
There was one pathetic case where a woman complained of an horrible
odor like fish. She received no help after going to countless doctors.
It turned out that she could only smell the odor when she breaded out.
This alerted the doctor and he found out that it was due to genetic
defect and she could not metabolize choline. So her condition improved
significantly when she was placed on a choline restrictive diet.
Sorry no references. Ron Blue