Postdoctoral Fellowship Available in Stroke Research
We are seeking applicants for the position of postdoctoral fellow. This
position is available immediately. The main goal of our lab is to elucidate
the mechanisms of neuronal death and neuroprotection in experimental models
of cerebral ischemia. We use a multidisciplinary approach including
traditional physiologic measurements, neurochemical sampling, and in vivo
imaging. We are interested in individuals who can expand our capabilities
by bringing new experiences with them in some or all of the following
fields: electrophysiology, neurochemistry, immunohistochemistry, in situ
hybridization, molecular biology of apoptosis. Support is for one year with
the possibility of renewal.
Please send CV to:
Eng H. Lo, Ph.D.
Center for Imaging and Pharmaceutical Research
Harvard Medical School
Massachusetts General Hospital East Bldg 149
13th Street,
Charlestown, MA 02129
or e-mail to:
eng at
If possible visit our website: Departments/CNS/
Allen Pierce **** allen at cipr-server.mgh.harvard.edu